We have been recognised by the Chambers FinTech 2023 ranking

We are among the best FinTech law firms
We are among the best FinTech law firms
The Lawyer European Awards are a celebration of legal excellence, one of the most significant awards that a lawyer, law firm, project or initiative can receive. To merely be nominated is an honour, and this year our firm received three nominations, all in the categories which are the most prominent from our perspective: Managing Partner of the Year, The Best ESG Initiative and The Best Innovative Technology Initiative.
The costs of involving a borrower in a dispute are low in relation to potential benefits but rarely do people see that, if they lose in court, the financial consequences can be much more serious.
The Polish media and consumer associations are ablaze at the news of Katowice Regional Court’s decision to secure a borrower’s claim and suspend the application of the WIBOR index when calculating subsequent mortgage loan instalments. As a result, until the borrower’s claim is filed and resolved, the interest rate on his loan will consist solely of the bank’s margin.
Provisions on remote work and sobriety testing are the main thrust of the Labor Code draft amendment, to be discussed at the upcoming session of the Sejm.
The year 2022 will not be remembered fondly in the cryptocurrency market. There are several reasons for this. The progressive decline in the value of coins, the problems of the FTX exchange and the collapse of trust are all raising questions about the future of crypto. Can regulating the crypto-asset market be a panacea for the market’s ills?
The Digital Services Act is undoubtedly a key piece of EU digital legislation. The significance and potential impact of the DSA Regulation is compared by some to the GDPR. While this comparison is not an exact match, the DSA will, like the GDPR, find direct application in EU Member States.
Shareholders often disagree with each other on how their company should be managed and controlled, and the direction and strategy it is taking. Differing views may be beneficial to a business, but disagreement, potential deadlock and an inability to make important decisions can be severely damaging to the company (and, in the long run, to shareholders).
NFTs may infringe trademark protection rights, as the Court of Rome has ruled in a case involving Juventus F.C., the legendary football club. This undoubtedly ground-breaking verdict will set the tone for rulings rendered in similar cases by other EU courts.
The Public Procurement Office has published a legal opinion outlining the rules for the correct completion of the European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) with regard to the grounds for exclusion from the procedure due to non-performance or improper performance of a contract. The Office stated that economic operators are not obliged to inform the contracting authority of every contractual penalty imposed on them in the past. So which penalties must be mentioned in the ESPD, and which may be omitted?
The exemption from dividend withholding tax provided for in Article 22(4) of the CIT Act has repeatedly aroused controversy among taxpayers due to its inconsistent interpretation by tax authorities and administrative courts.
Even more companies, even more potential investors and even more powerful, substantive talks about the plans, prospects and potential of Polish tech companies. We’ve just concluded an intensive second edition of the Polish Tech Pitches to Private Capital – Recognizing ESG Impact – an event that’s now a regular fixture on the calendar of representatives of London investment banks and private equity and venture capital funds.
All you wanted to know about software distribution, SaaS and open source, but were afraid to ask Poland is a true breeding ground for talented engineers whose salaries are quite competitive compared to those of their colleagues working in the West. This is just one of the reasons why multiple IT operators build and develop […]
Although it will be some time before the CSRD enters into force, it is already worth taking note of ESG business requirements as we are rapidly approaching a revolution that will affect even smaller companies, including those in the IT sector.
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed virtually every area of our lives, but not always for the worse. In a number of cases, changes have taken hold well enough to have already permanently altered our habits, practices and expectations.
Companies investing in crypto, trading NFTs and being active in the Metaverse, need clear, easy-to-understand regulations and low taxes. And these will only be possible if lawmakers understand the nature of the digital world and are familiar with the technology itself.
We are dynamically and consistently developing our international potential and partner network, actively working wherever significant developments are taking place. And we are close to those sectors that will have the greatest impact on the global and European economies in the near future.
On 19 October 2022, the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF) adopted Recommendation A on derivative activity risk management by banks, which have replaced the previous 2010 recommendation.
The coming years will be a time of revolutionary change in Poland’s infrastructure and energy sectors. Hand in hand with this, the reconstruction of Ukraine – one of the greatest financial challenges for Europe in the coming years – is also an opportunity for cooperation between Polish, Ukrainian and Spanish businesses.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is at the heart of the EU’s strategy for creating a digital single market. In this context, a number of EU legal documents have been emerging for several years, such as the White Paper on Artificial Intelligence of February 2020 or the European Parliament’s resolutions on ethical framework, civil liability and intellectual property rights for AI of October 2020.
On 13 October 2022, the Act amending the Commercial Companies Code and certain other acts (the “Act”) entered into force. The following is a summary of the most significant changes and the effects they may have, including those which may turn out to be problematic for management boards of subsidiaries.
As a new business and marketing trend, ESG is of growing interest to an increasing number of markets and market participants. More and more businesses are publishing their ESG strategies or striving to comply with ESG-specific assumptions, and with good reason. According to PwC’s 2021 U.S. survey, 83% of consumers indicated a preference for companies to implement ESG best practices, and 86% of employees prefer to work for companies that care about ESG values.
Recent weeks have certainly not been the easiest for Google’s management, lawyers and Public Relations department. During work on LaMDA technology (a chatbot supported by Google’s artificial intelligence-based solutions), engineer Blake Lemoine from Google’s Responsible AI department came to the conclusion that artificial intelligence is self-aware.
Although current cryptocurrency prices are not at their peak, especially compared to November 2021 when crypto reached its highest market value levels ever – almost USD 3 trillion – this market is still attractive to investors, evidenced by the number of cryptocurrency millionaires, which currently stands at almost 80,000.
Kochański & Partners is a coherent, consistently and effectively built advisory business concept of Piotr Kochański – a lawyer, entrepreneur and manager, keeping a close eye on trends and having been fiercely promoting legal talents for nearly 37 years, since he started to gain experience in building law firms.
When trying to determine the VAT consequences of NFT disposal, the first question to be answered is what type of an NFT are we dealing with?
Recently, we have advised them on the acquisition of part of Knight Frank’s business, which included the property management division. Following the transaction, Savills now manages more than 1,200,000 m² of office space.
17 November | 2:00 pm-6:00 pm | On-Site Event | 2nd Edition | The London Stock Exchange
Piotr Kochański is a finalist in the European Managing Partner of the Year category
We’d like to invite you to a workshop addressing the legal aspects of whistleblowers and their protection, and where we will present an innovative solution which streamlines and automates the reporting process, whilst providing legal support in the field of labour law.
The Baltic Pipe, through which Poland has joined European gas transmission structures, is a large scale historic energy investment.
The culmination of this year’s IP Stars recognitions are the individual ‘Rising Stars 2022’ awards in the intellectual property category, which again were given to Agnieszka Choromańska-Malicka and Tomasz Szambelan from the Intellectual and Industrial Property Law Practice.
Six Polish banks have been among the champions of the largest global benchmarking of digital retail banking channels. The key to success has been the availability of mobile apps and the possibility of opening an account simply via a smartphone.
The Baltic Pipe is the first ever offshore gas pipeline connecting Poland with the European energy system, officially opened and symbolically launched on 27 September 2022.
The Infoshare conference is the largest technology event in this part of Europe, attracting visionaries and engineers, as well as marketers, start-ups and investors. Infoshare seeks to build an active community focused on technology and innovation, which has been the driving force for dynamic business for years. The 15th anniversary edition will take place on 6-7 October at the AmberExpo hall in Gdansk.
Crypto, NFT and the Metaverse are the hottest topics in the world of technology and business. Where there is a hot topic, there is also a tax challenge. So what do we already know about this? And where does Poland fit into the puzzle?
On 15 September 2022, the Sejm passed Polish Deal 3.0.
On 13 September, a bill on the employment of foreigners was published in the list of legislative work. The draft law is currently at the stage of interdepartmental consultations and is expected to enter into force later this year. The new law is essentially based on the existing fundamental principles regarding the employment of foreigners, though it introduces a number of new solutions.
The metaverse is much more than technology. It is a symbiotic environment of new possibilities, experiences and dynamically changing IT systems that follow the needs and ideas of creators and users. At its core, the metaverse is about building a sense of mutual, seamless interpenetration between the real and virtual worlds.
What do brands such as Maserati, Yves Saint Laurent, Coco Chanel, Master Card and Volkswagen have in common? It is that their owners are filing trademark applications for goods and services to be protected in the Metaverse.
On 1 September 2022, the State Treasury Solicitors’ Office published recommendations on the dissolution, termination of and withdrawal from reciprocal contracts. Although the document primarily targets contracting authorities, it is also a rich source of knowledge for economic operators performing public contracts.
Since the beginning of September, legislation significantly increasing penalties for environmental pollution has been in force. On 1 September 2022, after a relatively short 14-day vacatio legis, the Act Amending Certain Acts to Prevent Environmental Crime of 22 July 2022 (Journal of Laws, item 1726) entered into force.
The sanction for breach of the notification obligations referred to in Article 69(1)(1) of the Act on Public Offering, associated with a change in the total number of votes in a company held by shareholders acting in concert, as provided for in Article 87(1)(5) of the Act – is the loss of voting rights as regulated in Article 89(1)(1) (the “sanction”).
As of the beginning of September, an amending act introducing more severe penalties for polluting the environment came into force. The acts amended thereby include the Criminal Code, the Misdemeanours Code and the Nature Protection Act.
PLN 70 million was recently raised by SunRoof – a Polish-Swedish start-up, towards the development of decentralised energy and green energy infrastructure in countries including Poland, Germany, Sweden and Norway, with Klima Energy – a Spanish VC fund from the Alantra Group, as the leader of the investment round and our M&A team, led by Pawel Mardas, as legal advisor.
Making the world a better place is the key to our vision for building a new future. Yet translating this ambitious idea into concrete action takes individuals with a variety of talents, skills and expertise, with diverse, not always strictly business experience, people with an open mind and the courage to challenge the status quo, who at the same time are passionate, determined and effective – people like Parasto Yari, a prominent Afghan lawyer, activist and defender of human rights.
For the first time, our Tax Law Practice has been recognised in the ITR World Tax 2023 ranking in the General Corporate Tax category.
What rules are changing and what do banks need to be prepared for?
Agata Dziwisz has again been awarded the prestigious title of “Highly Regarded lawyer” in the Transactional tax area. Andrzej Malec has also joined the ranks of the distinguished, having been recommended as a “Highly Regarded lawyer” in the General corporate tax category.
Arrangements and consultations on the draft act amending the VAT Act and certain other acts, i.e. the so called SLIM VAT 3 (draft No. UC128), were scheduled to complete by 26 August. It is assumed that the draft act will enter into force on 1 January 2023, with one exception being changes to VAT sanctions, […]
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) is a strategic area of our business. We have one of the leading teams in the market, and this position has again been confirmed by the recommendation of the latest section of this year’s newly published IFLR1000 ranking, which recognizes law firms specializing in this field.
It’s no secret that since 2015, key constitutional values have been in crisis. History shows that the last bastion of freedom of speech, which guarantees these values, is the free press. However, over the past three years, there have been repeated legal actions by state institutions, state-owned companies, businessmen and other lobbying organizations aimed at stifling the work of journalists, publishers and NGOs.
Directive (EU) 2019/1158 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on work-life balance for parents and carers and repealing Council Directive 2010/18/EU, commonly referred to as the work-life balance directive, is due to be implemented into the Labour Code by the Polish government.
Disruptions to supply chains due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, staff shortages, increasing inflation, rising fuel prices, wage pressure from workers, the war in Ukraine – these are just some of the challenges faced by economic operators. All of them significantly affect the profitability of existing public contracts.
On 8 August, the latest draft amendment to the Commercial Companies Code was published. The bill implements Directive (EU) 2019/2121 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 amending Directive (EU) 2017/1132 as regards cross-border conversions, mergers and divisions.
Although the heating season will only start in a few months’ time, there is already a lot of talk about it in many homes today. Uncertainty and fluctuations in the energy market are raising concerns about whether it will be possible to keep warm in the autumn and coming winter.
We invite you to take part in our online event, scheduled for 2 September 2022 , during which you will get to know, among others: what are the sources of funding for Ukraine’s reconstruction, how to find information on projects and investments in Ukraine and how to prepare to participate in projects in Ukraine.
On 29 June 2022, the draft new legislation was submitted to the Sejm with a view to implement Directive 2019/770 on certain aspects concerning contracts for the supply of digital content and services, and Directive 2019/771 on certain aspects concerning contracts for the sale of goods. It is likely that the changes will enter into force nearly one year after the deadlines set in the Directives, since the new legislation should have been implemented into the Polish legal regime by 1 July 2021 and should have applied from 1 January 2022.
Only a few years ago, Europe faced a major upheaval to the international economy with Brexit, i.e. the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union. This event, like the war in Ukraine or the COVID-19 pandemic, has had significant consequences for the global economy, affecting the quality of our daily lives.
The international IFLR1000 ranking has announced the results of another category in this year’s edition. We have been recognized for projects concerning renewable energy, environmental protection, low carbon innovation, regulated markets, energy and environmental disputes and natural resources.
Paweł Cholewiński has been appointed Partner in charge of Kochanski & Partners Transactional Practices Group. Within the scope of his individual Partner responsibilities he will now be leading both the Sectorial Real Estate and Mergers & Acquisitions Practices.
Functioning in an information society generates a number of challenges that both economic operators and private citizens must face. The foundation of a healthy system relies on the ability to sift true information from false, which today is becoming increasingly difficult in an increasingly complex and technological world.
According to analysts and economic experts, Ukraine could eventually suffer losses of up to EUR 1.3 trillion in 2014-2026. Assuming a favourable scenario under which the Russian Federation would pay war reparations, it will still not have sufficient financial capacity to cover even a greater part of this amount. Therefore, the priority for Ukraine should be strategic economic cooperation with European Union Member States.
On 28 June 2022, a draft of further amendments to the Personal Income Tax Act and other acts – Polish Deal 3.0 – was published on the Government Legislation Centre website (draft No. UD404).
On 13 October 2022, the Act amending the Commercial Companies Code and certain other acts (“Act”) will come into force. Companies, especially those operating under a management agreement between a parent company and a subsidiary, will have to reorganise their structures to some extent in order to comply with the new regulations.
On 28 June 2022, a draft of further amendments to the Personal Income Tax Act and other acts – Polish Deal 3.0 – was published via the Government Legislation Centre website (draft No. UD404).
The IT Committee is a new initiative of the Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce, and is chaired by Markiyan Malskyy – Head of our Ukrainian Desk. Markiyan has voiced his intent to make the Chamber a platform for cooperation between Polish and Ukrainian IT companies and associations, and in line with this we can expect a variety of meetings and industry events for members.
For a new Ukraine, the reconstruction of housing and infrastructure are believed to be the main areas of development. 44.8 million sq.m. of residential property, 300 bridges and over 40 railway bridges are already lost or destroyed. 779 medical facilities and 1371 institutions of secondary and higher education, 690 kindergartens are destroyed or under occupation.
Arabian horse lovers will have the opportunity to admire this breed during the 3rd edition of the SOPOT Arabian Horse Show to be held on 23-24 July 2022 at the historic Hippodrome in Sopot.
Every year, the Polish state allocates nearly EUR 45 billion for purchases via public procurement. The coming years will be a time of revolutionary change in Poland in terms of the infrastructure and energy sectors, and so we expect the Polish public sector to maintain and even increase its spending levels in the near future.
The need to raise capital remains fundamental for companies, and access to investors willing to provide businesses with the capital they need is crucial to their survival in rapidly changing markets, by providing opportunities for growth and expansion beyond the geography of local markets.
On 8 July 2022, we hosted the annual meeting of the Council of the Polish-Ukrainian-Canadian Kalyna Scholarship Foundation, which we have supported since its inception.
Although the number of landscape resolutions nationwide remains small, an increasing number of cities are deciding to draft and enact such resolutions. While, on the one hand, there is a vital need to regulate the advertising chaos in Poland, on the other hand, the interests of advertising-related service providers should not be neglected, thus, the requests of offices, hotels, shopping malls or arcades and other businesses should be taken into account while drafting new resolutions.
Rebuilding infrastructure and meeting the current needs of citizens are among the most important tasks facing Ukraine today. This requires not only funds, but above all effective planning and execution – which in practice amounts to tenders and procurement processes. More than 100 such tenders have been held in just the past few weeks.
In a Sale & Leaseback transaction, a property used for business purposes is sold and simultaneously made available for use by the seller under a lease or rental agreement.
Technology transition and energy transition are the two greatest drivers of today’s economy. Technology companies and start-ups, which are trying to change the world by making it more energy friendly, have met in one place, seeking support, funding and partnership.
Under the CIT Act, taxpayers are normally required to file the TPR form and a statement on the preparation of the local file for 2021, by the end of the ninth month after the end of the financial year.
Nearly 24,000 kilometres of roads, end to end measuring ca. 60% of the Earth’s equator in length, hundreds of bridges, thousands of buildings and tens of thousands of cars – this is only a partial account of the destruction inflicted so far on Ukraine by Russian forces. But although the war in Ukraine has not stopped since 24 February 2022, the prospect of a post-war reality cannot be ignored, and so ways of rebuilding the country should be considered.
21 June 2022, saw the 20th jubilee edition of the “Rzeczpospolita” Law Firm Ranking gala. This year, we have been distinguished for our “Support for struggling Ukraine”, and for our “Contribution to building the legal market in Poland – the 20th anniversary of the Rzeczpospolita Law Firm Ranking”.
In cooperation with the London Stock Exchange, we hosted a “Polish Tech Pitches to Private Capital” Conference Meeting in London. We connected investment, private equity and venture capital funds and private investors with the best business opportunities, seeking to invest in Polish companies going global.
On 22 June 2022, the 15th International Conference on “Innovation and Creativity in the Economy” will be held, organised by the Polish Patent Office. The theme of this year’s event is “Designing in a Digital World”. On behalf of our team, Łukasz Węgrzyn, Partner and Head of Technology Practice, will take part, as an expert, in the discussion “Metaverse: a digital world of opportunities for designers and challenges for lawyers”.
The companies spanned the fintech, medtech, robotics and software technology sectors, featuring the most exciting opportunities in each. They presented significant financing prospects, providing funds with the latest insights, data, and high level tech pitches.
It is however worth mentioning that in accordance with the new act, it has become optional and fully discretionary for the contracting authority over whether to request a tender bond. The rules for the return of the tender bond have also been made more flexible.
Despite the continuing war, international organisations and the Ukraine administration are currently conducting a number of tenders to meet the immediate needs of Ukraine and Ukrainians and to rebuild the country’s infrastructure. Participation in these tenders is open to foreign contractors, including contractors from Poland.
During our event we will discuss how Ukrainian business can enter the Polish market, and make the most of the welcoming business environment and diversify into new markets. There are plenty of options in Poland, which are readily suited to Ukrainian businesses.
The world of crypto is continuously growing. Governments and regulators across the globe are focusing more attention on the crypto industry, often establishing individual frameworks for crypto asset trading. That’s why Simmons & Simmons LLP developed Crypto Reviewer, and in partnership with them we worked on the Polish jurisdiction.
The incessant growth of WIBOR has become a huge problem for PLN borrowers, who are increasingly questioning the methodology for determining the value of this index. However, there is help in sight as the government is planning to assist, although the initial proposals were contrary to EU law.
On 12 May 2022, the lower house of the Parliament (Sejm) adopted the Amendment to the Personal Income Tax Act and Certain Other Acts – the so-called Polish Deal 2.0 (print no. 2186). Below we present a summary of what we believe to be the most important tax solutions.
Managing IP has just published the second part of this years’ IP STARS 2022 ranking recommendations in the field of intellectual property. Our experts have once again received individual recognitions.
On 25 May 2022, we organised an expert event to present Ukraine’s most urgent needs in the context of its reconstruction, which are huge, with the Ukrainian economy being in need of USD 5 billion every month.
Natural gas as a ‘transition fuel’ for Europe on its path towards a zero-carbon economy was supposed to help gradually reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, this environmentally-sound objective now needs a second look, particularly when gas market developments may affect the viability of new gas-fired generation projects, and when permanent impediments to gas availability may even prevent their uninterrupted and efficient operation.
The results of the first edition of this year’s prestigious IFLR1000 ranking are now live, distinguishing the leading law firms specializing in the field of banking and finance. Our team has been ranked in the banking category for yet another year in a row.
Recently, rising inflation and increasing loan instalments have been one of the most frequently discussed topics. The latter concern more than 2.5 million people and the total value of loans as of the last quarter of 2021 was estimated at approximately PLN 500 billion.
Building energy independence whilst moving towards a low-carbon economy and combating climate change – this is just one of the major challenges facing European politicians today. While energy prices in Europe are breaking new records, the diversification of supplies of low-emission fuels, such as natural gas, cannot be achieved overnight.
Due to rising interest rates and a significant increase in mortgage repayments, several ideas have recently emerged to support borrowers. In particular, according to a preliminary government proposal, in home mortgage loans (including existing ones) the WIBOR benchmark would be replaced with another benchmark, while WIBOR would continue to apply to other types of loan agreements. However, the legal feasibility of such a solution is worth exploring.
The (RE)BUILD (NEW) UKRAINE event will be taking place on May 25th 2022 between 8.30-11.30.
Rebuilding Ukraine is no longer just an unspecific plan, but a concrete reality. From the very beginning, we have been actively supporting Ukrainian nationals and businesses towards the rapid rebuilding of Ukraine both now and after the war is over.
On May 26, 2022 Kochański & Partners and Santander Bank Polska invite you to attend a joint online event, during which we will address some of the most nagging questions regarding Metaverese.
In recent years, influencer marketing has become increasingly popular and an increasing number of companies and brands now use this form of promotion. On May 19, 2022 we invite you to join our free of charge event during which, Krzysztof Zięba will discuss the legal framework of influencer marketing.
On 16th-18th May 2022, we invite you to attend the “Certified License Manager” webinar organised by Certified Global Education (CGE). Kochański & Partners is scheduled to speak on 18th May, 14:00-16:00, and will be represented by Jakub Krysa, PhD, Partner and Head of the Public Procurement Practice.
The Russian aggression in Ukraine has many people enquiring about the possibility of holding the Russian Federation accountable for the acts it has committed in the territory of Poland’s eastern neighbour. Yet, at this stage, what should be considered is not only the actual accountability, but also the ontological fact of the existence of liability, which is an inherent condition for the existence of law.
This year edition of The Legal 500 EMEA international ranking recognizes 11 our practice areas and 25 lawyers –many of them being ranked in the top tier or simultaneously in various fields of law.
Russia is waging a barbaric war in Ukraine. We are in admiration of the courage of the authorities and the Ukrainian soldiers, and watch with attention and respect the efforts that have already begun to rebuild the country and the cities and businesses that have been destroyed. As a sign of our new strategy and solidarity with Ukraine, we have decided to establish a Ukrainian Practice (Ukrainian Desk).
Jakub Krysa, PhD has joined Kochański & Partners to head up the Public Procurement Practice and the Spanish Desk.
Forbes has published its inaugural ‘Poland’s Best Law Firms’ directory.
For the consecutive year we have been recognised by the international IP Stars ranking in the field of trade mark contentious.
The need to raise capital remains fundamental for companies, and access to investors willing to provide businesses with the capital they need is crucial to their survival in rapidly changing markets, by providing opportunities for growth and expansion beyond the geography of local markets.
Can Contracting Authorities subject to the Act of 11 September 2019 – Public Procurement Law (“PPL”) award contracts for the purpose of assisting Ukrainian nationals without the application of this act? What categories of Contracting Authorities and which contracts related to assistance for Ukrainian citizens are exempted from the PPL under the Special Law? Do Contracting Authorities need to comply with any additional formalities in connection with the award of public contracts exempted from the application of the PPL on the basis of the Special Law? Alert authored by Jakub Krysa.
Not so long ago, i.e. last year, certain solutions were introduced in Poland via the implementation of the fifth AML Directive, and we are still adjusting to these changes. Nevertheless, another EU package of regulations is in the pipeline, introducing fundamental changes to the regulatory framework of the European AML/CFT system.
Dominika Durchowska, Partner in the International Disputes Practice, will be a speaker at the “Stakeholders’ perspectives on third-party funding – A case study” event preceding the Prague Arbitration Day which takes place on 7th April 2022.
We encourage you to read the full alert authored by Agata Dziwisz, Partner, and Head of the Tax Practice at Kochański & Partners. Should you have any questions on this or any other matters, please contact us directly.
This year edition of the Paris Arbitration Week is starting on 28 March 2022. It is a yearly week of events aimed at connecting, whether in person or virtually, the worldwide community of arbitration practitioners.
This year edition of the prestigious legal ranking Chambers Europe distinguishes our Partner, Head of Dispute Resolution, Marek Jeżewski, PhD in the field of Dispute Resolution: Arbitration, and our Partner, Head of Technology Łukasz Węgrzyn in the field of TMT (Technology, Media, Telecommunications).
Following our continuing dynamic growth, and in response to the talent, experience and hard work of our Team, we are delighted to announce the promotion of 12 of our Colleagues, including 10 lawyers. Aleksandra Ryżkowska, Head of International Practice Development and Head of the Chinese Business Desk, has been appointed as Partner. Weronika Duda from […]
The President of the Republic of Poland signed the Act on Assistance to Ukrainian Citizens in Connection with the Armed Conflict on the Territory of Ukraine.
There are only a few days left to MIPIM, the world’s leading real estate event taking place between 15 and 18 March 2022 in Cannes, France. Kochański & Partners will be there as well, represented by Paweł Cholewiński and Aleksandra Ryżkowska.
Basic Principles of the Special Law on Assistance to Ukrainian Citizens in Connection with the Armed Conflict
WEBINAR | All you wanted to know about NFTs but were afraid to ask 29 March | 16:00-17:00 CET | Free online event There is no doubt that non-fungible tokens, or ‘NFTs’, are one of the hottest topics out there right now. Based on blockchain, NFTs are unique digital commodities that arouse interest when the […]
The results of the WTR 1000 2022 ranking, identifying leading trademark law firms and professionals, have just been released. We are delighted to announce that both Kochański & Partners and Karolina Marciniszyn, individually, are included among the recommended law firms and lawyers.
The results of the Media Law International 2022 ranking have just been published. We are delighted to announce that Kochański & Partners have once again been included among the recommended law firms, reaching a high position in Tier 3.
On March 9-10, we invite you to join the fifth edition of Cryptocurrency World Expo, the annual event for today’s blockchain and cryptocurrency community. Kochański & Partners law firm, as a partner of the conference, will be represented by Łukasz Węgrzyn, Partner and Head of Technology Practice.
The results of the latest edition of the Chambers Global ranking have just been published. We are delighted to announce that Dr Marek Jeżewski, Partner and Head of Dispute Resolution at Kochański & Partners has once again been recognised, listed in the Up and Coming band in Dispute Resolution: Arbitration.
Kochański & Partners has advised the shareholders of Hemp Juice sp. z o.o. on the acquisition of 100% of shares by Hemply Balance Holding AB, as one of the first transactions of this type on the Polish hemp market.
The Polish Bank Association has just published the PolishCloud 2.0 Standard, i.e. a standard for the implementation of public and hybrid cloud computing services. This is the most recent and comprehensive set of practices and solutions guiding banks smoothly through the cloud migration process, with the highest security standards applied.
On 22 February 2022, please join us for a training session in the Digital Banking Academy series entitled “The new face of HR. New technologies in HR”.
On 27 January 2022, join us for an online training course entitled “Flying into the Cloud: How to Start Implementing the Cloud in Your Bank?” organised by the Digital Banking Academy. Today, cloud solutions are commonly used in banking and are the foundation for digital transformation. Therefore, the implementation of cloud computing in organisations, the […]