We implement projects with the support of EU funds
Implementation of an electronic legal B2B service support system
Kochański & Partners implemented the project „Implementation of an electronic legal B2B service support system” (Polish: Wdrożenie elektronicznego systemu wspierania usług prawniczych typu B2B”) co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund as part of the Innovative Economy Programme, Measure „8.2 Support for implementation of electronic business – B2B”, Priority VIII Information society – increasing innovation of the economy.
As part of the project, an innovative, emergent B2B class system has been introduced to support cooperation between enterprises. It is the natural development path of Kochański & Partners and their business partners. The implemented system is meant to automatise and integrate a number of business processes between Kochański & Partners and their partners. All this is thanks to the application of new technologies and IT solutions, and also thanks to integration with the systems of our partners via a central platform, with the use of EDI and electronic signatures. The purpose behind the implementation of this project was to prepare and introduce a highly functional B2B system, which will further improve cooperation.
Project duration: 22.01.2013 – 21.06.2015
Cost of the project: PLN 3,070,850.00
Amount of financing: PLN 1,531,775.00
Beneficiary: Kochański & Partners
Project site address: Kochański & Partners, Plac Piłsudskiego 1, 00-078 Warszawa
Contact: biuro@kochanski.pl
As part of the project, we have purchased goods and services in accordance with the principles of fair competition, effectiveness and transparency, based on the most economically favorable offer. We successively publish information on any biddings on our website.
European Union Portal: http://europa.eu/index_en.htm
Innovative Economy Programme: http://www.poig.2007-2013.gov.pl/english/Strony/Introduction.aspx
Ministry of Regional Development: http://www.mrr.gov.pl
Polish Agency for Enterprise Development: http://en.parp.gov.pl/.
„Grants for Innovation”
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Innovative Economy Operational Programme.