For a new Ukraine, the reconstruction of housing and infrastructure are believed to be the main areas of development. 44.8 million sq.m. of residential property, 300 bridges and over 40 railway bridges are already lost or destroyed. 779 medical facilities and 1371 institutions of secondary and higher education, 690 kindergartens are destroyed or under occupation.
For Ukraine the reconstruction is also a chance to leave behind ineffective post-soviet constructions and put in place up-to-date Infratech & ESG green technologies and know-how
(Re) Build (New) Ukraine
On 15 July 2022, Markiyan Malskyy talked to Alina Makarchuk during the UkrAlina programme on the Super Express YouTube channel. They discussed the current status of the war in Ukraine, the hopes of Ukrainian people and businesses, and the future of Ukraine and its economy after the war ends.
Alina and Markiyan spoke in detail about the future reconstruction of Ukraine. Although the war is still continuing, numerous public tenders for reconstruction and assistance are already taking place. “The main thing keeping us going, making us persist in our endeavours is the thought of the forthcoming reconstruction of Ukraine after the war has ended ” – says Markiyan, and continues “Of course, it is a little early to speak about actual reconstruction, however, it is already high time to participate in tenders, conduct the planning and permission phases towards future reconstruction, and plan cooperation with Ukrainian contractors, whilst constantly looking for opportunities”.
Markiyan also spoke about the need of approaching public international law in matters of sovereign immunity and state responsibility. The time has come for a new legal order, in his view, in a similar way to the situation following the two previous world wars.
What we do
We are actively monitoring the development of future reconstruction patterns in Ukraine. Poland, without doubt, will be the reconstruction hub for Ukraine.
We are assisting clients in planning the future renewal of Ukraine. We monitor public procurements and plans, assist in finding partners and establish platforms for actual rebuilding. We are also involved in bringing Ukrainian business to Poland and starting up operations here or entering further EU markets, acquiring assets in Poland and sourcing finance for their onward development.
Watch the video interview here.
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