Energy, Natural Resources & Chemicals

Kochański & Partners offers clients a sophisticated up-to-date Energy, Natural Resources & Chemicals practice in what is one of the fastest changing industries today. K&P’s lawyers regularly represent clients in the development, financing, acquisition and disposal of a wide variety of generation and transmission assets. A significant proportion of our client representation is with regards to regulatory matters.


Energy and Environmental Disputes

We have extensive experience in representing clients in litigation and providing regulatory advice. We have advised in many, often multimillion projects, providing effective, efficient service in accordance with the interests of the client.

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Renewable Energy

The ongoing process of diversification of sources of energy generation leads to the development of the market of energy generation from renewable sources technologies  such as wind farms, solar and photovoltaic panels installations, installations powered by biomass and hydro power plants. We support entrepreneurs at every stage of conducting of business linked to the generation, transmission and trading of energy generated from renewable sources.

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Conventional Power

Conventional Energy in Poland remains one of the leading sectors of the economy, which is characterized by a constant modernization and restructuring process, often combined with the implementation of new solutions including cogeneration and renewable energy technologies.

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Natural Resources - Exploration, Extraction and Transmission of Shale, Natural Gas, Coal and Oil

The factors determining the development of this economy sector include undoubtedly the necessity to expand both the national and inter-border gas transmission system, to search for alternative sources of supply, including the exploitation of new domestic and foreign hydrocarbon resources, and to implement technologies that may become a substitute for fossil fuels.

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Environmental Protection

We advise entrepreneurs from the public and private sector on matters concerning Polish and EU environmental law and the Protection of Nature law by providing legal assistance in all aspects of a project’s environmental impact.

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Regulated Markets & Low Carbon Innovation

In connection with the direction of the national and international climate policy, the implementation of technologies to reduce CO2 emissions, improve emission management and increase environmental safety of conducting business becomes more important.

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GGE A.S. & Elgas Energy Modernization projects

Modernization projects. Investment projects. Construction and taking-over of a CHP plant. Legal advice in the field of due dillegence sudies of an Opole power plant with the total installed capacity of 1,492 MW and a network of Calor CPH plants located in Upper Silesia with the total installed capacity of 60 MW. Representation in administrative proceedings (regarding concessions and tariffs) before the President of ERO. Development and negotiation of model EFET (European Federation of Energy Traders) agreements with Shell.

Global Energy Services Siemsa

Construction of wind farms. Ongoing legal services in terms of building law, civil law and civil proceedings in front of the Arbitration and Common Courts.

Our Leaders

Lukasz Mlynarkiewicz, PhD

Lukasz Mlynarkiewicz, PhD


Head of Practice

phone +48 22 326 9600
mobile +48 788 260 125