Hybrid event | (RE)BUILD (NEW) UKRAINE
25 May | 8.30-11.30 | Event in English
Rebuilding Ukraine is no longer just an unspecific plan, but a concrete reality. From the very beginning, we have been actively supporting Ukrainian nationals and businesses towards the rapid rebuilding of Ukraine both now and after the war is over.
We focus on handling infrastructure projects involving the rebuilding of war-ravaged urban and other settlements, industry and trade centres, and support international businesses that will soon be bidding for public contracts in Ukraine. We also assist in relocating Ukrainian businesses abroad and raising funds necessary for the industrial and technological development of Ukraine.
8.30-9.00 Registration
9.00-9.20 Welcome and introduction
9.20-10.50 Panel discussion
10.50-11.00 Q&A session
11.00-11.30 Networking
Markiyan Malskyy, PhD, Head of the Ukrainian Desk, Partner, Honorary Consul of Austria in Lviv
Special guests
Representative of the Embassy of Ukraine in Poland
Representative of the Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce
Representative of the Ministry of Infrastructure in Ukraine
Representative of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Representative of the World Bank
The meeting will cover a variety of topics:
- What has Ukraine achieved and what if it loses this war?
- Multi-billion destruction status quo: “russia will pay” and similar portals
- See you in court: how to properly evidence destruction of property and where to sue Russia?
- WW2 lessons: who will become the next Marshall planner for Ukraine and are reparations foreseeable?
- European integration of Ukraine as access to EU reconstruction funds: a condition precedent?
- Is Russia defaulting? Are sanction enough? What to further expect in the nearest future?
- Public procurement in Ukraine: state funds vs international donors regulations
- Ukrainian state “ProZorro” procurement mechanism: pro et contra
- “All-in” financing of reconstruction with state, public, city-to-city, private and Russia’s frozen money
- Restore or build new: from soviet to decarbonized, innovative and green
- Restoration of infrastructure, private housing and public services: what comes when?
- Winter is coming: challenges for the reallocated persons and is it possible to build enough new housing fast?
- Stress tests to the world: potential agricultural and natural resources shortages, hunger and poverty growth
- How to participate in (re)building of (new) Ukraine and what can we all do?
The event is held under the patronage of
Advantage Austria (Commercial Division of the Embassy of Austria in Poland)
Polish-German Chamber of Commerce (AHK)
British-Polish Chamber of Commerce (BPCC)
French-Polish Chamber of Commerce (CCIFP)
Polish-Spanish Chamber of Commerce (PHIG)
Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce (PUIG)
Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce (SPCC)
Who should attend
Representatives from the infrastructure, energy, construction and technology sectors.
Read more about how we are helping Ukrainian businesses and get to know our Ukrainian Desk.
Participation in the event is free of charge, following registration and application acceptance. The organiser reserves the right to refuse applications and to cancel the event.
The event may be attended either in person or online.
Venue (for those attending the event in person):
Kochański & Partners registered office, pl. Piłsudskiego 1. The number of participants is limited – first come, first served.
A link to the online broadcast will be sent to participants the day before the event.
Registration for this event is now closed.