The development and professionalization of the e-sport industry and the position of gaming in the business world entail many legal challenges.
Our law firm provides comprehensive legal assistance to all players in the e-sport and gaming markets, and also to investment funds financing this rapidly growing sector.
Gaming is a world made up of numerous copyrighted works and countless elements that can be protected by registration as industrial designs or trademarks in various variants and forms. After all, gaming is primarily about computer programs that require reliable regulation.
Appropriate examination, both at early and later stages of game development, helps to minimise the risks associated with investing in gaming.
How can we assist you?
- Performing a due diligence of the acquisition of companies holding rights to computer games (share deal).
- Performing a due diligence of the acquisition of rights to computer games (asset deal).
- Building a customised strategy for the effective protection of intellectual property created in the process of developing games (e.g. examination, registration and monitoring of trademarks and industrial designs, and licensing and assignment of exclusive rights).
- Analysing solutions from a perspective of data protection and GDPR, and also the use of cookies in games (consents by minors, ownership of players’ personal data, profiling (compliance) based on preferences from online (and other) games).
- Analysing the risks associated with gambling law regulations – verification of games to ensure they are free from elements associated with gambling as defined in the Gambling Act of 19 November 2009, and do not violate the ban on gambling advertising provided for in this Act. In particular, verification of risks related to the so-called loot box and skin gambling laws.
- Analysing the risks associated with violence in games – via labels and descriptors used by PEGI (Pan European Game Information).
Our experience:
- Providing legal assistance to gambling software producers.
- Providing legal assistance to entities involved in technological research on compliance with the law and technological requirements of gambling.
- Negotiating IT implementation agreements.
- Compliance with the requirements laid down in licences and permits for operating games.
- Advising on compliance with the law, including with regulations on online gambling.
- Advising on marketing, advertising and privacy.
- Advising on combating acts of unfair competition.
- Examination, registration and monitoring of trademarks and designs (global client support).
- Trademark and design portfolio administration.
- Licensing and assignment of exclusive rights.
- Conducting disputes relating to infringements of designs, trademarks and copyrights.
- Conducting customs cases concerning the fight against counterfeiting and the protection of intellectual property rights at the border.
- Advising on WIPO Proof.
- Carrying out personal data protection audits.
- Advising on the development and implementation of personal data security standards.