The Right Focus

Luty The Right Focus Okładka

The short days of November are the perfect time to broaden your knowledge and look at your business from a different perspective. Who knows, you might find new hidden potential!

Are you already using AI? Maciej Kuranc notes that this is not just a technological breakthrough, but a catalyst for change in virtually every area of our lives. Or maybe you are a big user of 3D printers, which can already produce almost anything, so it is high time to regulate any industrial designs, as Tomasz Szambelan reminds us.

If you are interested in ESG, Malwina Jagiełło writes about green leases and Joanna Barbrich warns brands about the greenwashing trap.

For those waiting for concrete tips, Dominika Durchowska reminds us that entrepreneurs looking for sources of funding for their disputes can turn to litigation funds and Adam Czarnota analyses the grounds that would justify declaring that a given declaration of intent was made in error.

Finally, Jakub Dittmer and Jan Janukowicz look at the implications of the Supreme Administrative Court’s decision on a taxpayer’s right to deduct VAT.

Sounds interesting? Read about all the above in the latest edition of #TheRightFocus.

Defence-side litigation finance

Third-party funding (TPF) has been used successfully in arbitration and litigation for many years, and in our experience, has recently been increasingly used by Polish companies.

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