Regulated Markets & Low Carbon Innovation
Sectors / Energy, Natural Resources & Chemicals
As a result of national and international climate policy, the implementation of technologies to reduce CO2 emissions, improve emission management and increase environmental safety of conducting business has become more important. Also, energy trading on online through energy trading platforms is becoming an appropriate instrument to support the policy of releasing energy prices. In our practice we support entrepreneurs of all sectors introducing new technologies in the processes of raw material extraction, generation and transmission of energy as well as the optimization of its consumption. We also provide comprehensive legal services in all aspects of energy trading on the Polish Power Exchange.
We provide the following services:
- Energy trading on the TGE and the OTC markets
- Compliance procedures in terms of implementation of requirements of Seveso, BAT and management systems
- Waste management
- CO2 emissions trading system, and the implementation of projects under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Joint Implementation (JI)
- Comprehensive legal advice to start-ups
- Develop positions and opinions to the draft law in the course of legislative works