Witold Głuchowski at the helm of the Litigation Practice

Litigation is today a hard business reality for virtually every company, industry and sector.

From heavy manufacturing to innovative services, trade, marketing, logistics, HR and employment law. From energy, construction and shipbuilding, to FMCG, medical and pharma, to new technologies, cloud services and FinTech. From global, international players to national champions and ambitious start-ups.

All are sooner or later likely to encounter serious disputes, inextricably linked to heavy business risks.

Infringements of intellectual property and brand rights, unresolved contracts, ownership disputes, insolvency issues, disputes in the financial markets, and ultimately economic or fiscal crimes.

All of these require clear vision, strategic planning and fresh, well thought out, rational arguments. But also in-depth, sector-specific knowledge to understand the particular nuances of the industry in question.

That is why the Litigation Practice is headed by Witold Głuchowski. A partner who has proven that he can combine these elements. Precisely and effectively.

First on the road to development and innovation

Clients are not seeking run-of-the-mill lawyers who will mediocrely handle their case, producing average results. And a modern litigation department is not an office where pleadings are created according to a ‘one size fits all’ formula.

It is an intensive, close and very precise cooperation between the client and outstanding specialists with in-depth knowledge of specific industries and sectors. Those who can translate their knowledge into effective strategies, worked out to the smallest detail, and who offer strong and convincing arguments. Those who do not look at a dispute with a narrow focus, but see the client’s entire business environment.

Such as Witold, who, being responsible for the areas of Corporate and Commercial Litigation and White-Collar Crime, and working with the leaders of the respective practices, is renowned as a conscientious and reliable, well-educated and mature lawyer, offering customised solutions, dictated by the best interests of the client.

“Witold, having a vision, consistent with that of the Company’s development, wants to create innovative solutions that will attract the biggest clients and allow us to develop the full potential of the Litigation Practice. From my point of view, this is a real return to K&P’s roots, where once upon a time around 50 per cent of our revenue was generated exclusively by innovative litigation, for clients from different sectors of the economy and by different practices,” emphasises Piotr Kochański, Managing Partner.

Litigation by sectors – the global litigation team at Kochański & Partners

The action plan is insanely precise. Today, with a staff of nearly 100 lawyers, we have enormous potential and deep sector knowledge which enables us to understand all aspects of our clients’ business.

To make even more effective use of this powerful know-how, Witold has invited the heads of practice to work closely together on a project under working title of ‘Litigation by Sectors: Kochanski & Partners Perpective,’ demonstrating to the market our competence, experience and vision in litigation in the areas of ownership disputes, energy, pharmaceuticals, trade and logistics, infrastructure and environment, real estate, technology, tax and financial services, among others.

‘I want our clients and the market to be aware that we are able to handle any litigation, even the most complex, very precisely and comprehensively,’ says Witold Głuchowski.

‘I have worked with almost all partners, on all kinds of projects, from corporate disputes to serious criminal and fiscal – penal cases. And this is the role I see myself in today, as a leader and developer of litigation, adds the new head of the Litigation Practice.

Today, every K&P lawyer is or will be part of a globally understood team that is ready to lead even the most sophisticated and complex proceedings at any time.

There is no turning back from this, and the only path we are, as it were, condemned to take is that of progress and innovation. These are ideas that have accompanied us from the very beginning. With them we build our competitive advantages. And they always work,’ adds Piotr Kochański.

Any questions? Contact us

Piotr Kochański

Witold Głuchowski

Contact us:

Piotr Kochański

Piotr Kochański

Advocate / Senior Managing Partner / NewTech / Media / Dispute Resolution

+48 602 218 217


Witold Zbigniew Głuchowski

Witold Zbigniew Głuchowski

Advocate / Partner / Head of Litigation

+48 787 575 792
