On the occasion of another anniversary of Russia’s attack on Ukraine, the Polish legislature decided to tighten regulations on economic cooperation with Russia and its allies.

On the occasion of another anniversary of Russia’s attack on Ukraine, the Polish legislature decided to tighten regulations on economic cooperation with Russia and its allies.
The Council of Ministers has adopted a resolution on Poland’s migration strategy for 2025-2030 under the slogan ‘Taking back control. Ensuring security’.
From February 3, it will be possible to submit applications for grants for intellectual property protection under this year’s edition of the program.
A new Supreme Court judgement raises questions about freedom of expression on the Internet.
An increasing number of borrowers are choosing to challenge their WIBOR-based variable interest rate mortgage loan agreements in court. They accuse banks of violating a number of legal acts, ranging from the Polish Civil Code or the Mortgage Act to the MIFID I, MIFID II EU directives and the Benchmark Regulation.
On 8 January, the President signed an amendment to the Aviation Law, which removes the obligation to adopt local zoning plans (MPZP) for areas covered by the airport master plan and allows for zoning decisions in these areas to be issued.
The new year of 2025 will see a number of important changes in new technology law. These range from AI and data regulations, through cyber security to the financial sector and digital services. We list the most important dates and look at upcoming regulations that will change the technological legal landscape.
The year 2025 brings significant changes to tax legislation that will affect businesses, individuals and corporations. We look at what you should know and how to properly prepare for the new requirements.
At the beginning of 2025, new regulations have been introduced that will impose additional obligations on companies. What should you be aware of?
The possibility of working on sick leave, Christmas Eve as a public holiday, and additional maternity leave for the parents of premature babies – let’s take a look at what has changed in labour law after the New Year.