Rzeczpospolita 2023 ranking: Recognition for Ukraine support and public procurement work
Each June, the Rzeczpospolita Law Firm ranking sums up what Polish law firms have been up to over the past 12 months. The ranking promotes rising stars and draws widespread attention to what the publishers consider to be the most pressing issues including highlights such as great projects and teams, pro bono work and technological initiatives. This year’s Gala and announcement of the results of the 21st edition of the ranking was no different.
Consistently high scores
Consistency is a word we use a lot these days. Not without reason, as our consistent actions, in line with our mission and the vision we have been implementing for almost 25 years, bring us both the expected business results and many reasons for satisfaction.
The latest Rzeczpospolita ranking confirms our strong presence among the top law firms in Poland. This year we ranked 16th out of 335 law firms in terms of size and number of lawyers.
Read more about how we value consistency here.
More than just numbers
We firmly believe that a company’s value is not only determined by the quantifiable aspects of its performance. A company’s image is also shaped by its values, its impact on the environment and its relationships with stakeholders.
One of the values that guide our actions is to speak out against injustice, tyranny and attacks on the rule of law. A particular expression of this stance is our active support for Ukraine, which has been unwavering since the first day of the Russian onslaught. And it will certainly not end when the aggressor withdraws.
Our commitment to Ukraine is substantial. We are assisting clients in a number of cases against the Russian Federation in seeking compensation for war damage, destruction and the resulting business and financial losses. And we are doing so effectively.
We also regularly hold training sessions, seminars and webinars where we share our practical knowledge on how to participate in projects related to Ukraine’s reconstruction, show examples of successful Polish-Ukrainian ventures, provide assistance in financing investments and source international investors and capital.
Our activities have been noticed, appreciated and rewarded by the Rzeczpospolita ranking via the “Support for struggling Ukraine” award.
“It is a bittersweet success. Although it is encouraging to know that we are helping those in need, we hope that this kind of involvement will come to an end as soon as possible so that we can concentrate on what we do best. Supporting business, including Polish and Ukrainian companies and start-ups, and creating joint ventures. And on building together a modern, free Ukraine that will be part of a united Europe,” says Piotr Kochanski, Managing Partner.
Read about our past and future projects dedicated to Ukraine’s reconstruction here. If you have any questions or would like to work with us, please contact Markiyan Malskyy, Partner and Head of our Ukraine Desk.
Individual recognition for Jakub Krysa
There would be no successful projects in Ukraine without the outstanding commitment of our individual experts.
Jakub Krysa, Head of our Public Procurement Practice, has been at the heart of all the events we have organised in support of Ukraine’s reconstruction – more than 30 in the last year alone. Working with our Ukrainian Desk, he helps business operators prepare for and participate effectively in tenders. Jakub is an opinion leader on the rules, regulations, status and sources of knowledge relating to public procurement, including the supply of essential military equipment and humanitarian aid. He is also the author of numerous alerts for Polish and foreign clients from the EU, the UK and the U.S.
For these activities, among others, the Jury awarded Jakub with an individual recognition, adding him to a select group of recommended lawyers advising in this area of law.
Congratulations to Jakub and the other awarded experts and law firms.
The full ranking results are available here.
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