Kochanski & Partners experts co-author energy law commentary
The C.H. Beck energy law commentary is the first and unique comprehensive study of energy regulations made by eminent specialists in this field. The publication is co-authored by Kochański & Partners experts – dr. iur. Michał Będkowski-Kozioł (Partner, Head of Competition & Antitrust Law Practice) and Wojciech Wrochna, LL.M (Partner, Head of Energy, Natural Resources & Chemicals).
The “Prawo energetyczne. Ustawa o odnawialnych źródłach energii. Ustawa o rynku mocy. Ustawa o inwestycjach w zakresie elektrowni wiatrowych. Komentarz” publication (“Energy Law. Renewable Energy Sources Act. Power Market Act. Wind Farms Investments Act. Commentary”) edited by dr. hab. Marzena Czarnecka and Tomasz Ogłódek, attorney-at-law, was published as part of the “Duże Komentarze Becka” series (“Beck’s Large Commentaries”).
The commentary contains an in-depth analysis of all articles of acts, other national legislation and EU legal solutions, taking into account the achievements of the Polish jurisdiction. The publication also addresses the latest regulations and legislative changes in the energy sector as well as potential future projects in this field.
The commentary also provides practical knowledge of:
- rules of shaping the state’s energy policy,
- rules and conditions for fuel and energy supply and use,
- activities of energy enterprises,
- competences and operational rules of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office,
- provisions on concessions and energy tariffs,
- provisions on power equipment, installations, grids and their operation.
The publication, being a useful and comprehensive guide to numerous regulations and changes in energy law, is addressed not only to representatives of legal environments, but also to entrepreneurs from the energy sector and employees of administrative bodies responsible for regulating the energy market.
For more information, please click here.