Polish technology companies successfully promote themselves on the London Stock Exchange
Why is it worth seeking capital on foreign stock exchanges and in an international investor environment?
The answer to this question is obvious to the companies that took part in the 2nd edition of our ‘Polish Tech Pitches to Private Capital – Recognizing ESG Impact’ conference, during which representatives of London investment banks, private equity and venture capital funds had the opportunity to meet Polish technology tycoons and start-ups, and see the great potential for their growth.
Polish challengers have a lot to celebrate
Innovative technologies, green energy generation and electromobility, state-of-the-art solutions for education, healthcare, integration of people with disabilities, services based on AI and the creation of advanced IT systems – these are just some of the projects that had the chance to be showcased in London and compete for the attention and financial support of investors.
Why take part in Polish Tech Pitches to Private Capital
Because London is the doorway to international scaling for those projects that have already been successful in the market. It also offers:
- Many options for raising capital, a choice of available funds and, depending on investment needs and strategies, different options for structuring this funding,
- Easier access to private capital and being on a faster track to raising funds and completing investments.
The London Stock Exchange is also a much more mature market with investors having in-depth sector and industry knowledge, which allows Polish companies to receive invaluable feedback, benchmark themselves against peers and respond even better to the needs of potential future investors, customers and the market.
“Today’s event showed how many innovative and ambitious ideas Polish technology companies have. Our intention was to help those companies find international partners that will allow them to scale to the international market. I hope that this event will result in the rapid implementation of the ideas that have been discussed here today”, said Szymon Ciach, Counsel from the Technology Practice.
Listen to what representatives of the companies said after the conference.