Piotr Kochanski Natalia Kotlowska Wochna_Easy Resize.com

Natalia Kotłowska-Wochna, ‘a smart woman in a smart city’ now heads NewTech M&A and will lead the Poznan office

Poznan is the beating heart of Polish enterprise. This is where new ideas and concepts are conceived and born, and where they quickly develop into thriving and ambitious companies. It is the gateway to Western and global markets and international clients, and is why the next Kochański & Partners office is being opened here. It will be headed by Natalia Kotłowska-Wochna, an ambitious project manager and expert in technology transactions and NewTech, who will take the position of Head of NewTech M&A.

Hype for big deals, gamming & M&A

We are expanding our technology wing. With Monika Maćkowska-Morytz in charge of Compliance, Data Protection and Cybersecurity and Jan Ziomek in charge of FinTech, the time has come for someone to combine and manage the growing investment needs of technology companies and dynamic Polish start-ups.

Natalia Kotłowska-Wochna joins the NewTech Practice Group as Head of NewTech M&A and will lead K&P’s comprehensive transaction advisory services for companies in this sector.

Tech Team Kochanski

“IT and NewTech is a unique, vibrant and highly responsive sector, so it needs lawyers who not only excel in professional transactional support but are also part of this dynamic world and fully immersed in it. Above all, they need to be agile. Natalia is just such a person, bringing unique skills and highly practical know-how to the Kochański & Partners team,” says Piotr Kochański, Managing Partner.

Natalia is someone who understands, knows and enjoys working with the international technology business, speaks its language, and feels and understands its needs and peculiarities.

As she points out, as a lawyer she loves to work on a “living organism”, which is why she feels perfectly at home advising and managing projects related to due diligence, intellectual property and GDPR in M&A transactions, including their safeguarding, protection and transferability.

Natalia has many years of experience in managing complex transactions and multi-dimensional projects in the IT sector. She has prepared licensing and implementation agreements for CRM systems, cloud computing services and database usage, and overseen SLAs for the provision of IT services, as well as service and implementation agreements with maintenance services. She has also dealt with licensing and the software copyright transfer process.

She advised a major database provider (e.g. on personal data, database transfers and acquisitions, data processing agreements, licensing agreements and IP rights, SLAs and SaaS agreements, drafting e-service terms and conditions and regulations).

Enterprise has a female face, and she is opening the door to international markets

Poznan is the gateway to international business and Natalia is its long-standing and experienced ambassador.

Adept at navigating a multicultural and multinational environment, Natalia has advised clients from Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans on due diligence, share deal, asset deal and transformation projects. She has led projects in the areas of new technologies, intellectual property, patents and trademarks, including the implementation of GDPR in major international retail chains, coordinating the work of specialists from 21 offices around the world.

Poznan is also a close business partner for German companies and entrepreneurs, so the idea of having an office in the city syncs perfectly with the strategy of building a firm with a nationwide reach and a physical presence in Poland’s major business centres.

Natalia, who has worked extensively with companies on the other side of the Oder for many years, including on transactional, IP and GDPR projects, will knit together the technology, M&A and cross-border threads, including the involvement of our German Desk, into a well-oiled machine in the capital of Wielkopolska.

“New technologies and artificial intelligence are fast moving areas that require a specific approach in legal services. My job is to organise tasks and see them through to the end, so I work by design, fully focused on the client’s business needs. And as I am definitely a team player, I am looking forward to supporting the team with my transactional experience and working on international implementations, which often require an agile approach,” says Natalia Kotłowska-Wochna.

“I am also confident that the Firm’s presence in Poznan – a city with many thriving companies and technology initiatives – will have a positive impact on expanding the range of modern and comprehensive legal services that modern businesses expect,” adds the new Partner and head of technology transactions.

Newtech Team Kochanski And Partners

Natalia is a mentor to those embarking on management careers and keeps up to date and involved with organisations such as Women in IT, Carrot Girls and Women in Law.

She has a postgraduate degree in Business Psychology and is currently studying for a Masters in Psychology.

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Contact us:

Piotr Kochański

Piotr Kochański

Advocate / Senior Managing Partner / NewTech / Media / Dispute Resolution

+48 602 218 217
