Let’s Talk about Human Rights | Gender equality

Date: 7 December

Time: 10:00-11:30

Place: Meeting for K&P


Gender equality is a fundamental principle that underpins the pursuit of justice, fairness and human rights in society. The empowerment of women allows for the establishing of peaceful, balanced societies which allows us to reach our full human potential, whilst contributing to productivity and sustainable development. To achieve gender equality, there must be freedom of expression as a basic human right.

What is gender equality? And why is it important?

Gender equality is when people of all genders have equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities. This means equal access to opportunities and resources, including access to education, healthcare, employment and political participation. Gender equality benefits everyone in society, leading to greater economic growth, social cohesion and overall wellbeing.

In real terms, gender inequality is still a global challenge, with women often being marginalized and discriminated against. This affects not only the lives of individual men and women, but also slows economic growth and hinders development. The unequal social relationships between women and men results in less effective policies, institutions and processes, and it means many people are left unable to reach their potential and are left out of making decisions and contributing to social change.

Discussion points

  • The role of women’s empowerment in achieving gender equality
  • Gender inequality, family violence and social violence
  • Participation mechanisms and equal representation of women at all levels and processes
  • Social, economic, cultural and political factors in a fair society
  • The relationship between gender equality and youth employment in developing countries


Parasto Yari, Chief Human Rights Officer / Pro Bono Lawyer

Let’s Talk about Human Rights | Gender equality

7 December


Meeting for K&P

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