New Technology & Digitalization

Technological progress, especially in the field of communication technologies, requires dedicated legal services, based on substantive knowledge, open-mindedness to new technologies and a traditional business-oriented approach. We assist clients with legal issues connected to different kinds of IT undertakings including the process of integrating digital technologies into traditional businesses.

When disputes arise, we take a commercial approach, starting with thorough analysis of the client’s specific needs, looking at the “pros and cons” of opting for a settlement or entering litigation. At the stage of contentious proceedings, we make use of our considerable expertise in IP and IT litigation, developing an effective claim or defense, whichever is required by a client.

We provide the following services:

  • Assistance in technology related transactions, in particular software development, software licensing, support and maintenance, SLA (service level agreements), IT outsourcing and maintenance, hosting, IT consulting, website administration
  • Advice on safeguarding data protection and privacy standards in IT projects
  • Advice on digitalizing and distributing content in new channels of communication (inter alia Internet, e-books, tablets, mobile phones and VOD)
  • Related services

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