Paweł Borowski on “Assessment of Nutrition Therapy in Polish Hospitals” study

On 20 June 2018 a press conference was held in Warsaw to discuss the study “Assessment of Nutrition Therapy in Polish Hospitals” prepared by the Polish Society of Parenteral, Enteral Nutrition and Metabolism. During the event, a group of experts, including a representative of Kochanski & Partners – Paweł Borowski, advocate, Head of the Pharmaceuticals, Health Care and Life Sciences Practice, discussed the results of the study in a panel discussion. One of the main points of the study is that at least 30% of patients in Polish hospitals are malnourished, and the annual costs of malnutrition treatment are a significant burden to the State budget.

The debate was also attended by experienced medical professionals:

  • Dr hab. n. med. Stanisław Kłęk, Chairman of the Polish Society of Parenteral, Enteral Nutrition and Metabolism
  • Dr Kinga Szczepanek, anaesthesiologist, Specialist Hospital in Skawina
  • Dr Włodzimierz Cebulski, Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Chapter of the Polish Surgery Society
  • Dr Dominik Drobiński, Central Clinical Hospital of the MSWiA in Warsaw

A large number of journalists representing media such as: RMF FM, Polska Agencja Prasowa, Rzeczpospolita, Pani, Super Express, Rynek Zdrowia, television agency, Gabinet Prywatny, Gazeta Lekarska, Świat Lekarza were also in attendance.

Watch the expert interview (in Polish)