Kochański & Partners among the Most Attractive Employers in Poland
Kochański & Partners was ranked high in this year’s edition of the international “Universum – Most Attractive Employers in Poland 2019” ranking, taking 10th place in the “Law” category. Only three law firms made it to the Top 10.
The Universum Talent Survey is the world’s largest project of its kind, involving over 1.5 million students and young professionals from over 60 countries. This year’s edition surveyed over 18 thousand students from 71 Polish higher education institutions and 112 fields of study.
The best employers were chosen in seven categories: Business/Commerce, Engineering, IT, Natural Sciences, Humanities/Liberal Arts/Education, Law and Health/Medicine.
Top 10 in the “Law” category was as follows:
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Wardyński & Partners
- Microsoft
- Polskie Linie Lotnicze LOT
- PKO Bank Polski
- Deloitte
- Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak
- Kochański & Partners