5# Dribbble Warsaw Meetup

Justyna Zygmunt, Lawyer of the New Technologies and Telecommunications Practice at Kochański & Partners (Kochanski & Partners), will be a speaker at the 5. Dribbble Warsaw Meetup, which will be held on May 30, 2017 at the Warsaw Spire in Warsaw.

Meetup schedule:

  • How to Effectively Protect a User Interface?
    How to ensure effective legal protection of UIs, avoid infringements of third party intellectual property, and respond when you are accused of infringement?
  • Design Management. Project and Design Team Management as Illustrated by Our Experience with Hologram. 

Facing the challenges when you build, run and manage a design studio/team.

  • Make Apps Not War: Collaboration Between Designers and Developers.

At the meeting you will be able to get useful advice and tips on how to design beautiful and functional applications working in harmony with the developers, on the functionalities of everyday tools and the ways such tools can help you in the process of giving a design to the developer for implementation.

To view the full schedule of the meetup please visit: https://www.meetup.com/pl-PL/Dribbble-Warsaw/events/239447646/?eventId=239447646
