Piotr Kochański is the Patron of the Foundation which runs the fine art photography Czułość Gallery in Saska Kepa, Warsaw
Czułość is an independent, young artists’ photography gallery founded in July 2010 by Janek Zamoyski and Witek Orski. It treats photography as a medium of contemporary art, focusing on the process of forming the sensitivity of young artists, and it does not exhibit the works of established and recognized artists.
Czułość occasionaly hosts the works of other genres or artists, ie painters etc. who use media other than photography. The gallery’s objectives cannot be associated only with exhibitions, it wants to actively shape the market of photography collectors. Opening events and exhibitions are held in the atmosphere of a casual social gathering, which often turns into a party. Czułość is opposed to the rigid and conventionalized climate of artistic events, it tries to break the unnecessary distance between the artist, the work and the audience. The Gallery is located in a villa in Saska Kepa at ul. Dąbrowiecka 1A.
The leader of Czułość Gallery, Jack Zamoyski, is a trained economist and a professional photographer. From 2006 to 2011, he has been permanently associated with the Agora S.A. publishing houses. As well as Agora, his photographs have appeared in the majority of Polish magazines and newspapers. He participated in the collective exhibition “People. Events.Transformations” opened in the Zacheta National Gallery of Art on 11 May 2009. He is the initiator and co-founder of the Czułość Gallery.