On 1 January 2025, new regulations will come into force that will fundamentally change the rules of property taxation in Poland.
The change comes as a result of judgments by the Constitutional Tribunal, which ruled that the key definitions used to determine the tax base – that of a building (Polish: budynek) and of a construction work (Polish: budowla) – were unconstitutional.
This is a real revolution that will affect both the method of calculation and the amount of property tax.
Instead of simply clarifying the existing provisions, the legislator has taken the opportunity to intervene more deeply in their content, which may raise significant doubts about the classification of structures.
The possibility of taxing construction works located in buildings, the inclusion of facilities so far classified as buildings in the list of construction works, or the full taxation of wind farms and photovoltaic plants, are just the beginning of the problems that taxpayers will face in 2025.
And as the time to adapt to the new rules is very short, we would like to invite you on 20 November to an expert meeting on the forthcoming changes in property taxation.
Our experts will:
- Present the detailed scope of the proposed changes
- Discuss the practical difficulties associated with the new rules
- Identify areas requiring special attention
- Answer questions from the audience
- Provide recommendations on how to prepare for the new regulations
Why participate?
The changes will come into force in just two months’ time and their scope requires careful preparation. Our event is the perfect opportunity to:
- Understand the practical implications of the new rules
- Prepare for the implementation of the changes
- Minimise the risk of accounting errors
- Optimise your organisation’s tax processes
Who is this event for?
Owners and managers of commercial property, CFOs, accountants, tax advisors and anyone responsible for property tax accounts are invited to attend.
Participation in the event is free of charge, subject to registration and application acceptance. The organiser reserves the right to select applications and also to cancel the event.
The event is hybrid, with the possibility to participate either on site or online.
On site event address: Kochański & Partners, pl. Piłsudskiego 1, Warsaw. Number of places limited, first come first served.
The link to the online transmission will be sent to participants the day before the meeting.